'GC Dhaliara'

GC Dhaliara

Govt College Dhaliara, District Kangra (Institution of Excellence)

Established in July, 1973 by Sh. Kesho Dass of Pathankot with the co-operation of some enterprising, enlightened and foresighted people of the area, was initially named after its founder, Thakur Kesho Dass College which fullfilled the long cherished dream of the people in the catchment area of approximately 25 Km. in its periphery for imparting higher education to their children.

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*हर आवेदक/छात्र अपने स्मार्टफोन से आसानी से फॉर्म भर सकता है। फोन से फोटो क्लिक करके दस्तावेज अपलोड किए जा सकते हैं। हम सभी छात्रों/आवेदकों को प्रोस्पेक्टस पढ़ने के बाद फोन/लैपटॉप से ​​अपने फॉर्म भरने की सलाह देते हैं। अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप कॉलेज को कॉल भी कर सकते हैं।
*Every applicant/student can easily fill the form from their smartphone. Documents can be uploaded by clicking photos from the phone. We recommend all students/applicants fill their forms from Phone/Laptop after reading the prospectus.You can also call college for more information.
Admission Open (Apply Now)
Session year : 2024-2025 (Please check various course/s schedule below and login/register to apply or pay fee/fine from your dashboard)
*Every student/applicant of 1st year(1st Semester), 2year(3rd Semester), 3rd year(5th Semester) must have their own(unique) login.
Course Year:First
Course Name:B.A.
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:05-10-2024
Fee deposit start date:16-07-2024
Fee deposit last date:06-10-2024
Late fee starts from:20-07-2024
Course Year:Second
Course Name:B.A.
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:05-10-2024
Fee deposit start date:16-07-2024
Fee deposit last date:06-10-2024
Late fee starts from:20-07-2024
Course Year:Third
Course Name:B.A.
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:05-10-2024
Fee deposit start date:16-07-2024
Fee deposit last date:06-10-2024
Late fee starts from:20-07-2024
Course Year:First
Course Name:B.B.A
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:05-10-2024
Fee deposit start date:16-07-2024
Fee deposit last date:05-10-2024
Late fee starts from: 
Course Year:Second
Course Name:B.B.A
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:28-08-2024
Fee deposit start date:16-07-2024
Fee deposit last date:28-08-2024
Late fee starts from: 
Course Year:Third
Course Name:B.B.A
Submission From:12-08-2024
Submission Till:18-09-2024
Fee deposit start date:12-08-2024
Fee deposit last date:18-09-2024
Late fee starts from: 
Course Year:First
Course Name:B.C.A.
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:12-09-2024
Fee deposit start date:16-07-2024
Fee deposit last date:12-09-2024
Late fee starts from: 
Course Year:Second
Course Name:B.C.A.
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:05-10-2024
Fee deposit start date:16-07-2024
Fee deposit last date:05-10-2024
Late fee starts from: 
Course Year:Third
Course Name:B.C.A.
Submission From:12-08-2024
Submission Till:18-09-2024
Fee deposit start date:12-07-2024
Fee deposit last date:18-09-2024
Late fee starts from: 
Course Year:First
Course Name:B.Com.
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:05-10-2024
Fee deposit start date:16-07-2024
Fee deposit last date:06-10-2024
Late fee starts from:20-07-2024
Course Year:Second
Course Name:B.Com.
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:05-10-2024
Fee deposit start date:16-07-2024
Fee deposit last date:06-10-2024
Late fee starts from:20-07-2024
Course Year:Third
Course Name:B.Com.
Submission From:03-06-2024
Submission Till:05-10-2024
Fee deposit start date:16-07-2024
Fee deposit last date:06-10-2024
Late fee starts from:20-07-2024